To be very honest, aku tak terfikir pun nak update malam ni. But I just need to let this out of my mind.
You know how skrg ni di negara 4 musim it's winter, so orang kat sana biasanya akan cuti and take vacation to somewhere warmer?
So kisahnya ada lah few my friends yang belajar overseas kan. So they went for a vacation. Serata Europe, i think. I'm not that good in geography.
But they visited Los Angeles, Paris, Switzerland and many more. Thanks to the expensive smartphone (and skills, let's not to forget that) , the pictures shot are aesthetics just like how I used to saw on Tumblr and Pinterest. Garisan ig story diorang dah macam kesan jahitan kat baju. Penuh dengan gambar tempat yang diorang visit.
It looks freaking fun.
As a person who havent gone out of Malaysia for 19 years 11 months and 29 days, mestilah sedikit sebanyak terusik hati tu melihat orang pergi melawat tempat orang. Even my mom dah start to travel overseas a lot, so tak pelik la kan kalau hati ini terusik.
I couldnt even make a full list of places I want tk go because they are too many. Like freaking a lot.
But then, some people just get to go, thanks to their stable family's economical condition.
Jealousy. Is it?
I won't deny that this feeling is actually jealousy. Never. I AM jealous with whom have the opportunity to travel and experience new places. I am always jealous dengan orang yang setiap kali cuti, they get to go to somewhere new.
It's not that bad kind of jealous tho. It is just the one that triggers you a bit, but I never wished for anything bad to these people.
I just wished that I get to experience what they experienced too.
It's also not that aku tak bersyukur yang my family at least can support all the necessary items in life and hidup senang dan sederhana jugak, but takkan la korang tak pernah rasa macam tu kan?
I guess this is how the poor sees other people eats expensive stuffs while they could never get enough food for daily meal.
I kinda regrets making decision to not aiming for foreign universities during uigh school but somehow, I'm grateful for it.
Maybe the timing was just not right.
Aku, satu hari, aku simpan hasrat untuk berada di bumi orang, untuk meneroka budaya, dan merasai keindahan alam semulajadi dan empat musim. Sama ada untuk belajar, atau kerja, atau sekadar bercuti. I don't mind.
I wish to explore new places in this world.
Maybe kalau kita pergi travel pakai duit sendiri lagi memuaskan kot. It might feel like an accomplishment. Hopefully.
Even sekarang en, ramai gila yang pergi buat umrah. I mean, among the celebrities (you know how their update just popped on soc media), ramai gila yang ke Mekah dan Madinah. Which make me crave to go there to.
I guess the beauty of Kaabah and Masjid Nabawi would never be beaten than any other natural beauties.
Signing off.
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Nah, this is just my college in the evening not somewhere overseas |
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